Yes we are having pizza for breakfast. Why do you ask?

Starting a new week and staring down the face of the end of another month.
One of the things I hear people saying is in spite of all the changes and limitations on where we can go and what we can do, time is still accelerating at an incredible speed. I know we all have the same 24 hours in a day, but can we agree that they are zipping along rather quickly?
The past few weeks I have struggled with fitting my morning time tapping at these keys and yet the thought of the faces I never see that might be showing up still float about me. This is an appointment in my heart every morning and I have been missing my appointments.
I have some plans for this space that I am working on and forces out there that seem to be working against me making it happen. But I am determined to get back to making this a part of my morning so you may get some silly and you may get some good word, but you will get something.
Today you are getting a few randoms as we had an overnight with one of the little dudes. We have been trying to split up time with them one on one and it was his turn. He is patiently building a castle while I finish this and then has requested a bike ride. A race actually. I wisely declared him a winner before we head out so we can just relax and take a victory lap together.

Let the random’s fly:
We may have found the magic bullet for our pollinator garden. Sure it smells like the outhouse of a wolf den, but hey…the flowers are enjoying a respite from being nibbled on by rabbits.
I have been doing the Kelly Minter study on Nehemiah this summer and even though I am sadly two weeks behind on her videos (thankfully they keep them up for a while so I will hopefully finish before they stop showing them) and I love this book so much.
It has been my go-to for years on encouraging me when I am struggling in spiritual warfare. Such a great example of how we battle discouragement, how we war in families and how we cover one another when one of us is working at the rebuilding and another stands guard against the enemy.
If nothing else, read Nehemiah 1-4 sometime this week and ask God to open your eyes to what He would like to teach you about warfare.
We had a great sermon yesterday at FCC from Pastor Brian on making plans and the heart behind them that honors God.
Then I opened my devotions this morning and A. W. Tozer preached it to me again!
When God does this, I am guaranteed to be needing to pay attention.
Check out the sermon here will be posted later this week!!!
And my notes from Tozer here:

I’m out of ideas. Our house guest is going to need breakfast soon and we have miles to go…

have a great Monday <3