
WWJD? It’s so clear even a child can understand <3


We had a little getaway this past weekend/early part of the week which explains my absence. 

It was a refreshing time and I want to share a little about it tomorrow but today is catch up on all things laundry, house, mail, etc…but I missed checking in so have a quick thought to share for the mid-week.

I took the two Bible studies I am working on with us and kept up with both, but I didn’t get my daily reading in. 

Today I caught up on Oswald and the devotional I am using this year and then turned to Luke 18 to pick up my annual read through and the opening verse stopped me in my tracks. 

Prayer is a theme God has been bringing up in just about everything I am reading these days. From a fiction book I was gifted from the Mitford series, to the sermon on Sunday, to the writings in both the studies I am doing; prayer is the topic God seems to be honing in on with me. 

Luke 18 begins with Jesus teaching about prayer with a story of a persistent widow. 

The first verse is his purpose for the story and is stated simply in the Christian Standard Bible.

Now he told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not give up. 

Luke 18:1 CSB

The NEED to pray always.

To not give up.

These are important to Jesus. 

It matters much to Him that His followers understand that prayer is necessary and persistent prayer is called for when answers don’t come. 

He ends this parable with this probing question:

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

Luke 18: 8 CSB

Sometimes I feel like I have run out of prayers. This world right now is a mess. Our country is a mess. People are hurting and anxious and lost. Anger and conflict abound. 

And what WWJD?


Without ceasing.


Without giving up. 

Go and do likewise, my friends; go and do likewise <3

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