
Words matter, be careful how you use them <3

Last week we enjoyed time with our grands, their parents and some family friends in Florida. It has become a bit of a tradition before school starts.

The routine is pretty predictable with mornings at the beach. One day, I was walking back towards the rinse off area by myself. 

Ahead of me was a young couple with a toddler. He was in the early stages of walking and so his parents, toting a sand pail, shovel, lifejacket and towels, steered him gently along. His little feet turned inwards in that adorable way as he tottered up the plank deck.

As I passed them they apologized for the slow progress. I assured them they were absolutely fine and then I looked down into his cute little face and said, “Those are some good steps you are taking, sir.”

He must be learning to talk as well, because I could hear him repeating “good steps, good steps” like a Polly Parrot as I made my way to the shower area. 

His little chant was sweet and reminded me how important our words are. 

It occurred to me a few times since then that not only do I need to offer words of encouragement to others, but I need to speak in this way to myself. 

I have tried it a couple of times since that encounter with this young family. 

Things like…

You did okay today, you got some things done. 

There was some progress on that to do list, Lola.

But the best has been to just stop in the midst of fussing at myself about what fell short of expectations and say, “Good steps. Good steps.”

It is surprising how those two simple words bring a sense of peace and a reminder that it’s always one step at time that moves us forward.

Try it. 

Sometime today when you are feeling weary, just tell yourself…good steps.

The positive impact will bring far more energy than the critical self-analysis that can play in the mind. 

Remember…you are dearly loved <3

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