Why we don’t just want to patch the potholes…we need a deep healing my friends <3
I mentioned way back in October that I have a series brewing in my head and I have been trying to pull it together in a neat little packages but there were forces that worked against me pulling that off.
And yet the theme is so strong in my life right now that I think we are going to plunge right in without a nice and tidy framework and we are going to start the new year with a look at what we do when those seasons come that rip apart everything as we knew it and leave us shell-shocked and bleeding from the schrapnel.
Our people have been wounded.
We are wounded.
And the mess is one of those Cat in the Hat kind…so big and so tall …. there is no way to fix…there is no way at all…or something to that effect with apologies to Dr. Seuss.
The other day I drove across a stretch of road that was in the process of being patched.
As I drove over loose gravel and tar patches, my tires spun and flung making the sickening sticky sound of rocky goo finding a home on the underside of the car.
I finally passed, with great relief, the road crew shoveling the muck into our ever present chain of potholes.
I know they are doing their best, but I cried out to the powers that be in the Illinois DOT …
In the name of all things holy, will you please stop patching these holes and fix them permanently.
And even as the words escaped my lips I realized I was quite possibly crying out to a higher authority…
the Highest Authority…
because it’s time to stop patching the holes in my heart and let the healing begin.
I don’t know where we are headed with this next week…but I hope you will join me for a look at some ways God might be calling us to deal with some heart hurts His way in 2018 <3
Two quotes come to mind to leave you with…
“It’s times like this my buddy Timon says, ‘You gotta put your behind in your past.'” Pumbaa in the movie The Lion King
and perhaps a better and more spiritual form would be…
Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. Our God, Jehovah I Am, in His Word recorded in Isaiah 43:18-19, The MSG version
This is beautiful & so timely my friend! Your obedience is a message God knew my heart needed. Thank you!
So thankful I am pressing through and getting it down. It’s like giving birth…every word…but if it helps just one than worth it <3