Who’s the boss…the age old question <3

This week has provided some extra time to catch up on the Nehemiah study, so it seems my thoughts continue to center around sharing some nuggets mined from the depths of Kelly Minter’s summer offering thought Lifeway.
While the videos that are provided with this special series are current, the material in the guide is copywriter dated in 2012. I had to double check because I keep thinking she wrote it as this year of 2020 has been unfolding.
This morning she was talking about imagining what it was like for the Jews to be deported – leaving behind everything familiar to them. Their customs and traditions – all the things that made up their daily life and seasons.
As I read her words I couldn’t help penning in the margin, “We are kind of there.” Our daughter’s family, like the rest of the country, are making hard decisions about the coming school year. Teachers, administrators and staff are working out all kinds of possible ways to educate children online and in class.
While we would be registering and wondering who teachers are, perusing the school supplies and starting to adjust sleep schedules to accommodate the upcoming transition, all is in flux.
The buzz is about not judging choices made by others. Some parents are working around work and family members who need to be protected from exposure due to immunity issues. And all of this is happening knowing that in a heartbeat the well calculated plans may get shut down. Literally.
We just don’t know. And to be honest, we are not good with unknowns. We like to “know” and by “know” we mean, not only be well-informed but be omniscient. We want to have all the information and make everything work the way we want it to work.
But it is times like these that remind us – we never really knew…we aren’t meant to be omniscient…we are not in control.
Trust and obey…live in the times you are placed in. Build relationships, love well, give generously and do what you can do leave the rest in the hands of God <3