
When you feel misunderstood…


Last week I was driving home from an early morning errand and I was praying for some situations.

Normally, I kind of pray in my head when I am driving…but that morning I felt compelled to turn off the radio and really approach God in conversation.

So as I drove, I just talked to Him like He was right there in the car with me…since He technically and actually was.

I also was mindful that I can be a distracted driver, so I was keeping my eyes open…which is helpful anytime you are driving.

And I kept checking my lane to make sure I wasn’t swerving; and the speedometer…because anyone in my family can tell you…I accelerate and decelerate, dramatically, depending on the intensity of my dialogue…

All of this was taking an incredible amount of concentration but at a stoplight I became aware of a man’s voice and out of my peripheral I saw a head and arms waving out of the truck in the next lane.

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Please hear me…I am not judging…but simply telling you what I saw.

A man who could only be described as Santa’s evil twin was yelling at me.

With wild white hair and a beard to match, his angry face was leaning out the window as he gestured toward me venting an unmerited amount of wrath.

I would be the first to admit if my driving had been erratic, but I can assure you…I had consciously been monitoring it while pouring out my prayers and heart.

I can only assume that he thought I was talking on my cell phone and had judged me and found me lacking…and he was sentencing me right there at the stoplight.

Who knows…maybe I had given him the impression at some point that I was talking at him as we drove down the road…

Whatever prompted his rage…I felt misunderstood…


wrongly accused and extremely grateful for the work of the Lord in me because I felt no enmity toward him.

I was sad I had prompted such anger, but as he turned off a side street, I went right back to talking to God.

Out loud.

I even prayed for that guy.

Because that’s what Jesus has done in me. He has changed me.

Whatever petty anguish I could ever suffer for His Name, He suffered more for mine.

He was misunderstood, misjudged, maligned…and more.

Much more.

All for me.

All for you.

All for guys in pickup trucks that lose it over blonde drivers.

All for blonde drivers.

Once and for all.

For ALL.


God bless you as we move toward remembrances of His death and Resurrection this Easter season. God bless each of you as we commemorate His sacrifice and as we celebrate His Victory over sin and death <3


I don’t have any pictures of this dish…it isn’t one that photographs well…but it is true comfort food and is delicious…so without further ado….

Dave Harangody’s Sausage Gravy

Brown a tube of sausage and crumble

Drain grease (but leave a little bit, maybe a Tablespoon) and set meat aside.

Melt 1 stick of butter in a stock pot on low. Add 3 heaping (and I mean heaping) Tbsp of flour (I use a big serving spoon and pile it high) for a thick paste. Add milk slowly…no measurement given…you just add until it is smooth and then add a smidge more. Keep stirring and as it thickens, slowly add mild until it reaches the consistency you want. They liked theirs thin, we like ours medium thick.

Add the sausage, pepper and salt.

Serve over biscuits

(We have learned to adapt this to gluten and dairy free by subbing olive oil, coconut milk and non-wheat flour…it looks and tasted a bit different…but still yummy for those who need dietary adjustments)

Olive Oil Biscuits – Not sure where I got this one…but delicious

Sift together:   2 Cups flour       3 tsp. baking powder        2 tsp. sugar       1 tsp salt

Add 1/2 cup olive oil  and  1 cup of milk

Stir until moistened

Drop by spoons

Bake 10-12 minutes at 450 degrees on parchment paper

Again…the flour can be non-wheat and the milk non-dairy =0)


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