What’s Your Sign?
On my way to work, I pass an auto parts store that has one of those very cool automated signs. Being attracted to anything with glitz, it catches my attention every time. My favorite message that pops up is, “DOG COLLAR BATTERIES SOLD HERE”. It cracks me up.
OK, I have a weird sense of humor; but it’s an AUTO parts store. Plus, how many people are actually driving around looking for dog collar batteries? Are they really that hard to find? Maybe they are. It just seems to be a lot of lights and flare to attract what is most likely a small population of seekers. I guess if I WAS trying to find a battery for a dog collar, this beacon of hope would be an oasis to me.
It makes me wonder. If I had a marquee on my life, what message would be scrolling across for others to read?
As I ponder this, a well-worn favorite line of mine starts flashing in my brain. It is written numerous times in the margins of my Bibles, devotional readings and journals. In fact I just added it to several passages in Isaiah and James this week.
It is the heart of just about every message I have ever written, spoken or taught. It underlies every note of encouragement, every word of exhortation, and fuels every prayer. I know at least one friend of mine reading this who is mouthing it before I even type the words: IT ALL MATTERS.
It ALL matters. Every detail of your life matters to God. From the tiniest ripple of irritation to the biggest whoop of celebration; at your desk, in your car, awake, asleep; your hopes, your dreams, your fears and your failures; everywhere and everything: IT ALL MATTERS
Now having said that, can I say that not everyone is out looking for that message on any given day. It is like a battery for a dog collar. If you don’t have a dog or your dog has a low-tech collar, you aren’t really going to wheel in to the Auto/Dog Collar Battery store with a sigh of relief. But there are other signs along that same road that speak to other needs: $5 foot longs, 20% off dry cleaning, or a speedy oil change to name a few.
The point is, we all have a message. We all have a word of hope and encouragement, or wisdom and guidance and at some point someone is going to need that. Our words and actions will carry the message of what we believe to others. Between us, we all speak the fullness of our amazing God to a world in desperate need to know Him.
I pray today that each of you would have a moment to quietly ask God what your life is speaking and that you will be true to your message. I pray you will ask Him to send those that need to hear the unique message He has given to you to share.
May you be blessed as you bless others today!