Well when you explain it like that, even I can get it <3
So did you meditate and ponder the Scripture from yesterday?
Here is is again…
For though we live in the body, we do not wage war in an unspiritual way, since the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every high minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ. And we are ready to punish any disobedience, once your obedience has been confirmed. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6 HCSB
Or perhaps this version is more helpful…
The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way – never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structured life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 The Message
Ok…now I just wish we really were sitting across from each other with plenty of hot coffee and time enough to really dig into this.
But we can’t so…
just grab your favorite beverage and imagine me waving my hands in the air instead of tapping out these words and here are few musings to start us off.
First look at the language describing how our thought lives can lead us astray:
arguments…high-minded things that set themselves up against the knowledge of God…strongholds….tools of the world…manipulation…marketing…warped philosophies…barriers erected against the truth of God…loose thoughts…loose emotions…loose impulses…obstructions
Next observe the expressions applied to their removal…
warfare…demolition…take captive…punish…smashing…tearing down…clearing the ground
So let’s take one of my examples from yesterday and work it through here.
For the sake of illustration I will set the stage with a scenario.
I find myself feeling particularly down around 3:00 in the afternoon as I stumble across a reminder that triggers a new wave of sadness. In an effort to shake it off, I do some mindless checking of email which leads me to a visit to Facebook and there I see some happy somebody celebrating some event that just enhances my sense of loss. I begin to ask God why I can’t be them and then immediately feel remorse because I realize all the wonderful things I do have and why can’t I just be happy…which leads me to think of several uber positive friends I have who somehow take life in stride so much better and no wonder God is blessing them and I don’t deserve anything good anyway and so … more tears…more guilt…
Ok…hopefully that is general enough that you can plug yourself in there.
Maybe it’s you are sitting at your desk at work and starting to assume what the powers that be think of your value.
Maybe you are sitting in a gym and your child has been riding the same bench you rode twenty some years ago and it’s getting old.
Maybe the house didn’t sell or the stocks dropped or the test results were positive or…whatever…and suddenly your head is filled with all manner of thoughts that are stacking themselves up against God and Truth and He is getting smaller and His plan for you is diminishing and the more He shrinks the bigger the lies grow.
And you don’t realize it but you have exalted your thoughts above your God.
I recently listened to a random sermon as I was driving south to meet Sarah for lunch and antiquing a few weeks ago.
Only God would provide me with this wonderful picture as I was brewing this series in my mind.
Matt Cassidy, from Grace Covenant in Austin, Texas, gave a perfect illustration of this passage.
He said that we have a tendency to invite thoughts that are counter to God’s truth in to our homes. We basically welcome them in like an honored guest and offer them a cold drink and the best seat in the house.
When what we should be doing is to handcuff them, put a restraining vest around them and tie them to a hard back chair.
Look again at what we are to do with those thoughts…aggressive, violent words.
warfare…demolition…take captive…punish…smashing…tearing down…clearing the ground
So don’t let just any thought occupy your mind today.
If you are feeling trapped by your emotions, look at your thought life.
Is it leading you toward Christ or away from Him?
Any thought that leads you away from what He says in His Word is a liar.
Lock. It. Up.
Philippians 4: 8-9 tells us how we can identify the things our minds should be camping on as we journey…
Is what I am thinking really the truth?
Is this thought noble?
Is it reputable and authentic? Is there fact to back it up, or just my embellished narrative?
Is it a gracious thought…towards me or towards others?
Is it beautiful? Is it worthy of my praise of God?
Is it the best thought I could be spending my energy developing?
If not…just imagine escorting it to that time-out chair in the corner reserved for misbehavior.
And if you think you don’t have that kind of imagination…you were the one that developed the thought to the point that it’s tearing your world apart. Think about it..
Take some duct tape and strap it down…and use a little across it’s boasting mouth for good measure.
And then take yourself to some truths you can sing or say out loud and let the peace of Christ RULE your heart and your mind.
God bless you today as you visualize thoughts you need to kick to the curb.
May the LORD bless us with wisdom and discernment to begin to grow up into right thinking about ourselves, our circumstances and others because we are thinking right about our God!
Very true I needed that we all need it.
Thanks so much