
Wednesday Randoms – a little about me <3

I have been awol this week because we have had a full one going. My brain is kind of tired and I was trying to think what to post this morning.

Since I really enjoy the “Let me introduce myself…” posts by people I follow on social media, I thought I would do one today for our Wednesday Randoms. 

So here are five things you may or may not know about me, and ten minutes of your life you will never get back if you make it to the end of this mess.

Random Fact #1


I have an ongoing conversation in my head at all times.

Often multiple conversations.

I am replaying encounters that happened in the recent past. I am discussing with the advisory board how I could have handled it better. I am planning ahead anything from meals to scheduled events to what I am going to wear to this or that.

And sometimes all those things at once.

I am writing a post, composing a book or a letter to someone and planning out how I will react to an anticipated circumstance that probably won’t happen. 

In the words of a friend of ours who also struggles with an over active mind, it is exhausting to be me. 

Sadly this party in my head causes me to jump when someone walks up to tell me something and I stare at them blankly as I try to quiet the noise and remember the first part of what they just tried to tell me. 

So, this means, it is also exhausting to be Russ, our family, my friends…anyone really who has to be around me regularly. 

Random Fact #2


I struggle with names and sometimes faces. But I will often remember if you prefer Diet or Regular Coke, lots of ice or just a little, cream in your coffee or black and some random funny thing you said ten years ago that I still laugh about. And share with you, every single time I talk to you. 

I forget what you told me last week or this morning about your plans for travel, but I vividly remember a leather jacket I had that Russ bought me for Christmas and every detail of it’s design.

I remember that I had a Barbie plastic goblet in one of the pockets that I found on the floor one day as I was leaving the house and put in there to save it so I could return it to her Dream House for the girls. It had one of her plastic bracelets around the stem. 

And I remember loaning it the church for a youth group play that involved a clothing store scene. When I went to collect it after the weekend shows, I found out it had been donated to one of the local charities. They didn’t realize it actually belonged to someone.

They suggested that I go to the thrift shop and see if it was still there, but I figured God must have meant it to be for someone else.  

I still miss it. 

That was probably at least two decades ago. 

Random Fact #3


I count all the time. 

I count steps. I count breaths. I count while I am waiting for my computer to load up the screen or open the app. 

It is frightening. 

My dad counted. 

When he was in the nursing home he knew how many tiles there were in each hallway and how many vents there were in the ceilings. 

I would assume he counted his whole life and for whatever reason, counting gave him and me a sense of order. 

I once read that some people pray for the same reasons they count. It is a coping mechanism to get the mind ordered. 

That scared me worse. 

It is a real thing with me to be very intentional in my prayers as talking to God and not just a rote default of a brain that is seeking order. 

Random Fact #4


I am pretty sure my love language is giving and receiving gifts. 

And if you are not familiar with love languages, this is not for the material gain. 

It’s the way I show love and the way I feel loved. And they don’t have to be big or wrapped (although I do appreciate a nice wrap job).

 Giving and receiving a gift are, for me, a tangible way of saying I thought about you…you thought about me. 

So I guess it makes sense I love working in retail or service type jobs because people are often gift shopping and even if they are not, handing them a package is kind of like giving them a gift – even if they just paid for it themselves. 

I feel like God gives me gifts all the time.

The people I love, a heart shaped something on the ground or in the sky, beauty, worship, music, my family, friends, strangers who are just sweet, acquaintances, ideas, phrases that move my soul, flowers, mountains, oceans…on and on.

You all.

He is so good to gift us with the things He knows are special to us.

Random Fact #5

Speaking of working, I have held down an impressive number of part time jobs over the course of my life. Russ likes to try and count them up, but he usually misses a few. 

I have loved everything I have been able to do, although it is kind of funny when people ask me if I am retired. 

Apparently you have to actually hold down a legit job to retire. 

I was thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up and it generally vacillated between being a stewardess or a teacher. Yes, I am old enough that they were called stewardesses and not flight attendants. 

But mostly I landed on that I wanted to be a wife and a mom. 

I didn’t realize that is not a career but a relationship. It certainly was all I dreamed it could be and has been filled with some unexpected challenges and trials, but overall I have loved every minute, eventually, and I have no plans to retire from it. 

So there you go. 

Some random insights from my heart. 

Have a good day. 

You are loved <3

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