Wednesday Randoms <3
Hey! Thanks for dropping by. Since it is Wednesday, I figured we were due for some randoms so here we go in no particular order….
Random #1
Most Wednesdays I work in the cafe at our church doing food prep for an hour or so in the morning.
Today I was chopping some walnuts by hand, well…with a knife I was holding in my hand, and someone came back to chat with the manager of the cafe. She commented to her that I needed a chopper.
We have a chopper back there, and while the visitor is right about it being more efficient, she doesn’t know me.
When it comes to cooking, I don’t always choose the most efficient method.
I find the whole process therapeutic and a kind of art form that is to be savored instead of rushed through. Sure if I was chopping an entire bag of walnuts, I would go for that machine technique. But when it is just enough for one loaf of bread…I don’t mind taking my sweet time.
It makes me think about other things I do like to streamline. There is no rhyme or reason to the tasks I scale to the quickest and most efficient versus the ones I like to take my time with and do a certain way.
What about you?
Are there tasks you do with intention and others that you just get through as quickly as possible?
Lemme know what they are if you feel like it <3
Random #2
Caroline has to read a Bible story a day for church.
Last night she needed to play catch up so she read me two.
The first one was Cain and Abel and the second was the Fall of Man.
As she read the first one to me she commented that he sure wasn’t a nice guy and before she moved on to story number two she said, “I sure am glad my brothers wouldn’t do that to me.”
Us too, Caroline….us too.
Then she dove into Adam and Eve and the serpent and the tree of life and as soon as she hit the part where the serpent starts talking to Eve, she paused and said, “Oh. This is going to be bad.”
Well put, ma’am. Well put.
Random #3
Speaking of Caroline, she asked me if I could get her some books from my library about butterflies.
Seems they are having a unit on them this week and she wanted to study a bit and take a book into class.
She’s setting herself up to be a lifelong learner and I couldn’t be happier.
Random #4
Spring around here is a mixed bag of weather per usual in the Midwest.
We have had the air on, the heat on and nothing on for various portions of the day the past two weeks.
Trees are showing off with the prettiest blooms – the redbuds are so delicate the way their bedecked arms spread out, the ornamental cherry trees are charming as always, and then there are those lovely pear trees that look awesome and smell terrible.
One of my favorite sights are those flowering ground cover mounds that spill over rocks and landscaping as if they were a floral waterfall. I tried to google the name and am losing patience but these little delights abound around here.
The thing about all this incredible display of color and blossoms is when they end their cycle, the stuff left behind will just look like ordinary trees and plants in the yard.
I won’t remember which tree was what as I walk through the heat of summer.
We too have our moments, right?
Times where we just seem to bloom and get it right, but the truth is we are the same in all the seasons. We are getting it right when summer heat threatens to wilt us, fall chill takes our leaves, and winter finds us looking barren and dead and then in spring when little buds begin to herald a few moments where we shine bright and delight others.
And then the cycle repeats.
Random #5
And that leads me to this scene that never gets old.
The farmers are working the fields and we will literally watch these rows spring up with new sprouts and then grow daily right before our eyes.
Russ told me a farmer friend asked if I could stitch some little covers for the seedlings that will be popping up here any moment, even as the weather man is talking nonsense about another frost.
Wondering if I did attempt the project, would the efficient me show up or the one who takes her time and just enjoys the process of creating…we will never know, thankfully…he was joking and my dance card is already filled this week.
Blessings and hugs on this lovely Wednesday.
See you tomorrow <3
Enjoy this very much and thank you for sharing.
awww…thank you. That made my day <3