Wednesday Randoms <3

I probably should be packing or cleaning or writing lists, but a quick visit with you is important as well so here are some randoms and then it is off to the races:

We took the Fab Four to their pool yesterday to try and beat the heat. It was so odd.
Only Caroline took a life jacket and she wore it only briefly when she wanted to foray out into deeper waters. Mostly she was content to go down slides and hang by the side of the pool practicing her swimming a short distance to me and back.
And by swimming I mean lunging off the side of the pool in a surge of water that washed over where I was standing a mere three feet away.
All we had in the bag was numerous bottles of sunscreen, four pairs of goggles and their passes. So to all of you who are standing ankle deep in warm, questionably cloudy toddler pool areas this summer…do.not.blink.
It goes so quickly. Enjoy every moment. Even the not-so-fun ones.

The verse for my devotion this morning is a favorite. It was in a translation unfamiliar to me – The New Century Version.
“He takes care of his people like a shepherd.
He gathers them like lambs in his arms
and carries them close to him.
He gently leads the mothers of the lambs.”
Isaiah 40:11 NCV
The devotion talked about how in seasons where you are so busy tending little ones you barely have time to open your Bible, God is tending you even then.
He knows your worry and your care. He cares for them and He cares for you.
Such a reassurance for us. As mothers and fathers, we never stop carrying burdens for our children. We try and lighten the load and sometimes we get as tired and weary as we did when they were wee ones under our roof.
This love and concern we carry is just a small sample of God’s love for us, His children and the good part is – He does not ever grow weary.
Rest in Him and in this promise.

I am figuring out what I need to pack and thinking about how to manage my phone overseas…not to mention curling irons and adaptors and how to dress and all the things that go along with this.
Meanwhile I am also trying to remember everything that I would be doing to maintain house, home and bookkeeping here at command central and making lists for Russ for my part of the team.
This trip is different as he will not have work to occupy his days but I think I know some people who will keep him entertained….
Also am I the only one when planning to be gone from home for more than a day suddenly wants to get the entire house in order and every single project caught up?
and finally

This trip is a tender one as we will be helping our dear friend Dori with the very last details of closing out the ministry she and her husband Lynn had there for two decades.
I shared about the too-soon loss of Lynn in January – here
He would be the mad man who led our vehicles through messes that look like a river but aren’t cause there are rocks hiding under it…or so we hoped.
I will be traveling with two good friends to me but also dear friends to Dori and to the Maasai.
We anticipate there will be laughter mingled with tears as we come alongside our sister on behalf of the many who love this couple so much. Our plan is to accompany her to say some goodbyes, help finish the details of closure on what will be left behind and journey back to the States together.
I want to be careful to not step over the bounds of this difficult path our friend is on, but I also know many of you love her too and so please know we are representing the Body of Christ to her and her family.
I will stop here for today and get on with the tasks at hand to prepare for leaving…thank you in advance for prayers <3
Thank you ❤️
Karibu <3 We represented all who know and love them. We were humbled to be the ones who could just be hands and feet on the ground for so many who would have done the same.