Wednesday Randomness…

Random #1
This corn grows right before your eyes.
It has gotten to the place where it is starting to look like an ocean of green leaves blocking more and more of the horizon from our view.
While the alternate years when the soy beans line our evening walk afford a better view of the far off places, I have to say there is something about this particular crop that speaks to my soul.
Love, love, love where we live…
however, that being said…

Random #2
I do love to travel and I am thankful that we have opportunities opening up for that.
We have some trips planned by both air and car and it’s exciting and also a little nerve-wracking as we venture out after over a year of pandemic isolation and shut down.
I marvel at how quickly things are opening up and yet not.
Still mixed information and we know that there are countries that are definitely not moving about with the ease we are now experiencing.
I also will be happier when the evening news stops showing footage of people being vaccinated.
It would seem we all know how vaccines are given and if you are trying to persuade the remaining unvaccinated population to run on in for their dose, you might want to use something more pleasant than a needle being inserted in various arms on a loop during your news report.
Just a thought.
Speaking of more pleasant things…
Random #3

Sweet Caroline turned four over the weekend.
As I always say, it is good to be Caroline and here she is flanked with her boys.
Please note that while she passed another milestone birthday, her sidekick Joel seems to have come out of his shell. We might suggest he go back in for a bit, if we weren’t laughing so hard at his new found personality.
Random #4
We think having those sweet curls clipped away like his brothers, that drew way more attention than he cared for, have opened the door for him to express his comedic side.
I get it Joely Bear.
Maybe it’s just a few of us or maybe it’s human nature, but it is one thing to make people laugh on your own terms verses having them lavish attention on you when you were just making your way through an ordinary day trying to fly under the radar.

Suffice to say, we know you are among us, sir…and what will be remains to be seen.
And for the finale…
Random #5

I was reading in Psalms again this morning and next to Psalm 78: 17 – 20 I penned a musing on April 3, 2017.
The verses of this Psalm talks about how the children of Israel grumbled and complained in the desert. One of the lines translated by Eugene Peterson reads:
Sure, he struck the rock and the water flowed, creeks cascaded from that rock. But how about some fresh-baked bread! How about a nice cut of meat?
Psalm 78:20 The MSG
I wrote:
On wilderness journeys we must learn gratitude for the miracles that have nothing to do with our desired end to the desert we are passing through.
So true what God spoke to me on that April day.
Wilderness journeys are not walks in a park.
They are hard and make us long for the past or the future, because where we are is not where we want to be.
But there are miracles in the desert.
Don’t miss the waterfalls coming out of the hard, dry places.
They are a gift of grace <3