Wedding weekend recap <3

We traveled up to northern Wisconsin to celebrate our niece, Olivia’s wedding.
It was a beautiful setting and a beautiful wedding for these two…

Since it was basically a destination wedding, we rented a VRBO on Lyman Lake.

We did some kayaking and fishing off the dock…and yes…I did go down in my PJ’s the first morning because Graham was highly disappointed I wasn’t down there already…

We caught nothing.
Except Lily Pads…

But we are pretty sure we beat records with this one.
Before the wedding, we traveled about 45 minutes away to Duluth/Superior area and enjoyed taking in the sights there. Impressive elevators that are part of the grain export business caught my eye, but we also went out on the Minnesota Point to hunt for a lighthouse.

The beach area was beautiful and it turns out Lake Superior does live up to its boastful name.
We hiked a length trail out in search of a lighthouse, which we discovered is actually an old relic.

Still pretty cool and we saw eagles training fledglings and amazing plants and many glimpses of the water on both sides as we hiked.
The day after the wedding we explored two areas that have waterfalls: Pattison Park and Amnicon Falls State Park. Both were beautiful.

The rock formations were so interesting and fun to climb over:

and the company was delightful

We had a wonderful time soaking up the beauty of Wisconsin, playing games, laughing and such.
Even though we were missing some of our people, we made the best of a gift of time together.
And now it is time to do laundry….because hiking is not a neat and tidy experience.
Have a blessed Monday and I will catch you tomorrow <3