We seem to be in a series all of a sudden….<3

What is this strange bright orb in the sky? Oh…the sun…ah yes…I remember it…Ha!
We have had some bleak days this week so I am opening all the blinds and letting the light in while we have it.
I certainly had not planned on doing a series from our church’s study of Ezekiel but then I rarely plan what I am going to write so here we go!
Today’s passage was from 2:8-3:11. After God gives Ezekiel directions for what he is being called to do, He tells him to literally eat the scroll of God’s written word.
I have had a book on the shelf for several years that grabbed my attention and because we are currently doing a series on how to study your Bible in Sunday School, I have been reading it finally.
It just happens to be called Eat This Book and is written by Eugene Peterson.
Just as the title suggests, the text is about ingesting God’s Word in such a way that it fuels us spiritually the way food gives our body the energy to move and function.
I think not.
The pastor who wrote our study material points out that Ezekiel is accepting the Lord’s message by eating the Scroll God hands him.
God instructs Ezekiel to deliver the message without fear and to a group who will most likely be hard and unreceptive.
And God then makes Ezekiel hard as well.
It reminds me of Jesus when He set His face like flint and headed off to Jerusalem.
Often I get this confused.
I think that because God’s message is about extravagant grace and unmerited mercy, I need to deliver it all soft and pretty and in a way that should in all intent and purpose result in pretty much a resounding nod of applause from any and all with whom I share the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.
And when it is met with derision or opposition, outright confrontation or smug condescension…I back peddle and try to figure out what I did wrong.
I forget.
The success of the mission was my obedience to deliver the message I was given, not the reception of the message.
So two things right there…
First, what message has God assigned me to deliver to what group?
And second is to evaluate if I am I doing it and if not, why?
Our study guide offered us some questions to get us thinking about this and one of them was to think of the ways God has equipped you to share His message.
As I looked at that I was able to list several resources I have been blessed with and also gifts/talents/affinities that serve as vehicles for me to use in the areas of influence He has given me.
Your list will look different from mine.
Not better. Not worse.
Our equipping is unique because our reach is specifically assigned by God.
I will close with the same prayer suggestion that was offered at the end of our study guide today – ask God to equip you to share the message He has given you.
This will only happen when we humble ourselves before God and listen, receive and ingest His Word for us and then move out in obedience, trusting Him to go with us and leaving the results in His hands.
Also…PS!! I had gotten behind on reading comments, but read them today and LOVED them!! Have answered you so check back to the post you commented on – riveting, trust me <3
Jeremiah 15:16. God gave me this verse last year. I wasn’t as faithful as I should have been, but the joy is mine now because I am trying very hard to be faithful this year!
Yes! Peterson uses this one for the book as well <3