
We cover what we love when we know it’s being threatened <3


It would seem the frost was on the pumpkin last night here in the Midwest for the first official time of this Fall 2020 season. 

Our flowers on the patio have been a source of great joy to me this summer as no other summer before. 

While the world out there went from bad to worse to even worse yet, the flowers we planted in the Spring seemed to bloom with an exuberance I have not seen in our past summers here in this home. 

With less places to go, we spent more time out there than we usually do and the beauty and color brightened many days for me. 

So last night when the forecast was for 32 degrees overnight, I did something I have not done in former years.

Normally by now I am content with mums and pumpkins and tired of watering the pots scattered around our home.

But before I headed to bed, I gathered up a stack of pillow cases and took them out and gently laid them over any pots I couldn’t move to a safer shelter. 

As I lifted the stiff fabric off of them this morning, I thought of you all. I thought of family and friends who I love so much who have suffered from what is harsh and cruel in this world. 

And I prayed a covering of love over you this morning.

I prayed for God to protect and keep you. 

I believe the Lord takes great delight in you.

I believe He sees you with eyes of love and joy.

I believe He knows the trials you are facing and the threats against you and I believe He will cover you with His love today to keep you and guard you. 

You are precious to Him. 

You are greatly loved <3 

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