Tuesday check in <3

First off I have to acknowledge the specialness of this day in our family as we celebrate the birth of our first child, Rachel.
We are so thankful for her and the ways she loves not only her little tribe but us and her siblings and so many others.
Growing up, she was always the quietest of our three…but she loves fierce and she has a quick wit that makes us all laugh so hard and an eloquent way of expressing herself in words and prayer that moves me to fits of both tears and giggles…simultaneously.
So Happy Birthday Dachel <3
You are deeply and dearly loved.
Second, I am dragging out finishing the No Other Gods study because it is just soooo good and sooooo rich.
Like this nugget that I have been chewing on for two days now…found in Day 3 of the final week of the study.
Deuteronomy 6:23 “He brought us out from there to bring us in and give us the land that he promised on oath to our forefathers”
Kelly says regarding this passage:
“Leaving our idols is not the final goal. We leave them so we can experience the fullness of Christ who is our life!…We make room for God to fill it. We say goodbye to say hello.”
No Other Gods Study page 173 Kelly Minter
I couldn’t help but think of the passage in 1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you OUT of darkness INTO his wonderful light.
Called us out…to bring us in…
So many love the darkness now.
In fact they are dragging their darkness out into the open and embracing it.
But it is still darkness.
Remember today that He called you out of it…to bring you in.
Live in the light that you were brought into.
No matter what.
The darkness may not be able to comprehend the light, or love the light, or want the light….but darkness cannot put out the light.
Light always invades the darkness and overcomes <3