To end the Merry Month of May

Just a quick hello this morning as we had a wonderfully full weekend that ended with an overnight last night.
Summer kick off is well underway, even if the weather is acting more like early spring with all its gray skies and cooler temps.
So here are a few snapshots of life from the weekend and then we will do the end of May look back tomorrow…and hopefully touch on Nehemiah to finish out the week. That’s the plan anyway, but as you know..things rarely go according to plan here on the Journey.
The above is a blurry version of the kids getting ready to race their mom to the corner, which is a traditional farewell that involves a slow exit so the kids can win…every time.
We weren’t sure how Miss Thing would do with out her mom, but it seems as long as we have….

Gwaham….all is right in the world and she soldiered through more than a few mishaps and spills.
Because girlfriend goes wherever the band of brothers go…

Thankfully mom remembered to pack the waders, because…

ain’t no river wide enough.
Papi had loads of help getting the fire started for supper…

We ate all the food groups: hot dogs, chips, Mac and cheese and of course…

and then…
s’more s’mores….

all on festive Memorial Day plates I found in the cupboard…

Because party planning is my jam.
There were fireworks on the driveway that were further enhanced by three boys on roller blades.
No pictures…too busy cringing and hollering out “BEEEEEE CAREFUL!!!!!”
And now we are up and at ’em…full of donut holes and waffles and gearing up for a visit to the local nature center.
I may need a thermos of coffee and a hammock nap…see ya tomorrow <3