Thursday randoms <3
It’s one of those weeks, friends.
So here are some randoms to hopefully brighten your day and I will look for something more meaningful to close out this week.
Random #1
This guy was camping out in the tulip bush on the corner of our patio one morning this week.
Zoom in…
we think a hawk.
He is no small bird to have found a way to perch in this relatively small space right next to our two bird feeders!
It kind of gives new meaning to “bird feeder” when the seed I put attracts lunch for a bigger fellow.
His (or her) feathers were gorgeous and I just sat and watched for the longest time.
Our little feeders were nowhere to be found and he eventually took off…which was also cool to watch. I wanted to alert him to the squirrel that was stealing seed from our neighbors feeders…but don’t speak “hawk”.
Random #2
Christmas is just about put away and I have been adding touches of Valentines.
Do you decorate for Valentines?
I do a little and then I also like to put things out for St. Patty’s Day…and then Easter…and they all pass so quickly. Like Christmas is for 6 weeks and the others get a nod.
I also love little crafting projects for Valentine’s Day and cards…it’s a fun, sweet way to brighten winter.
Nothing better than a homemade Valentine in my book <3
Random #3
So I don’t know what has happened to me, but starting in January I make myself go straight to the basement when I wake up and do some stretches and exercise.
I know.
I am very worried.
Then I head back upstairs and walk right past my coffee pot. I get ready for the day and then, only then, do I make a cup of coffee.
A cup.
I got a new coffee make in December and it has a Keurig option.
A lot of days I make one mug only.
I don’t even know who I am anymore.
Random #4
Are you a puzzler?
I found this gently used one for sale for $5 and couldn’t pass it up. It will fit on our coffee table…woot!!
Russ asked me if I counted all the pieces before I bought it…the thought had crossed my mind but I just stepped out in faith that it does.
Okay folks…that’s it…gotta scoot…miles to go before I sleep and all that.
Have a wonderful day.
Do something creative and fun…and then tell someone what you did.
We need to encourage one another <3