Three cheers for forty years and a little touching of base with you all to start the week <3

I was looking back through all the photos posted over the years here on the Journey for something that summed us up…and this seemed as good as any.
We celebrated our 40th anniversary this weekend and like many of the others over the years, we spent it at the ball park.
These two had their end of season tournament…

They also turned a year older in the past week and I think this growing up so fast nonsense needs to stop.
We sat in yard chairs and sweated and laughed remembering many an anniversary dinner from the concession stand when our three were all playing ball around the area back in the day.
Now we get to see our girl cheer her kids on…

and we bow low to thank God for the gift of years He has given us.
We do not take it for granted that we have been given much and marvel at the gift of time we have been given.
Rachel arranged for a secret notice to go out on Facebook and surprised us with cards from around the country..

Please note the letter opener/saber in Emmett’s hands…he is being a pirate…because…well…why not?
So sweet and touching to read all these kind words from friends and family. I may have cried. A lot.
It made me realize how much a card can mean to people and inspired me to do better at sending notes again!!
We ended it all with a little dinner at a small place nearby and then sitting out on the patio with a fire and s’mores…
all and all…
best. forty years. ever <3