This and that <3
It is so early in the week for randoms and yet, here we are. A brain dump of things and I am not even going to put them in numbers. Welcome to my world.
- I am taking ornaments off of the tree today and will finish putting the trim back in boxes hopefully by tomorrow. A couple of people have mentioned either in person or on social media that un-trimming is harder than trimming.
From my perspective it is much easier. Putting out the trim is a creative process that is like giving birth, writing a post or drawing a picture. I overthink and consider options and move things around multiple times.
When taking it down, it is a simple matter of walking around the house and pulling out anything that smacks of Christmas. Things get sorted into like items and back they go into their respective boxes. I find it therapeutic. You can’t overthink putting things back where they belong.
- These gray days are taking a toll on some of our plants. Our beloved shamrock that Russ gave me our first St. Patty’s day in this house seven years ago is down to one loan green stem hanging on for dear life. Somehow in the string of overcast days, it just wilted and quit.
I am nursing the one lone leaf along and hoping and praying for a revival. I can’t bear to even take a photo of the survivor. Too fragile.
- Curious to know if you all leave some winter decor out. I am leaving snowmen who are not holding stockings, a decorated tree or a package out here and there. Also any little white wintery houses and the strand of snowflakes that are draped across one of the book shelves. Evergreens are also going to remain. And lights. I left the strand of white lights along the mantle out last year after Christmas and they just stayed out the rest of the year.
What it is about little white lights that add a dimension of charm to a room?

- I saw a kind of cute idea for those Christmas card photos. A crafty person on Instagram showed cutting them into hearts and then making a garland and hang for a little longer with the faces of those you love. Not sure I will manage that, but thought I would pass along.
Okay. This tree is not going to un-trim itself so I must get back to it.
Blessings on your day.
May your home be a haven and both you and your plants thrive in spite of the lack of sunshine, and I will see you tomorrow <3