
The Master Artist


Scientists might be able to give you a detailed explanation.


Atheists might roll their eyes and smugly nod at each other as they get a good laugh out of it.


But God painted these on our dirty windows this morning and I am absolutely delighted.

I hope today brings you some new delight in our God.

He is OMNISCIENT (He has total knowledge).

He is OMNIPRESENT (He is everywhere).

He is OMNIPOTENT (He has complete authority).

His beauty is as magnificent as a mountain range and as intricate as an ice crystal.

He loves you so much that He sent His Son to purchase you back from a dead life of sin. He has brought you into His Kingdom as His son or daughter. He has placed His Spirit of Life in you and me. He is coming back.

Delight yourself in Him!

Be blessed <3


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