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The long road home


Happy Monday to you wherever you are!

I’m waiting for a shuttle and a full day of travel back home after time with John.

Travel always provides a whole new set of stories so I am looking forward to sharing some when I get back to technology I have slightly mastered. Because Russ’s iPad …. Is a learning curve for this old dog.

One quick story to make you smile.

When our plane landed in Austin on Saturday I was at the back of a large flight. One man behind me got on his cell phone to check in with his wife that we had landed.

In  business like tones he discussed the flight and estimated his travel time back home. Then he asked about some event that must have taken place for a child and asked if she was around.

After a pause this stoic business man turned into a full-fledged proud daddy as he chatted with his little girl about her day and finished by gushing his love for her and that he would see her soon.

And I thought….

How like our Abba.

He loves us and wants to hear our voice and He bends down to listen and share His love. Never too busy for us.

Believe in His love for you today …. ❤️

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