The joy of completion
As I put together a couple of teachings recently, I found myself digging through all the stashes of books and notebooks and notecards and articles and general paper hording that comes with being me.
Off the top of my head, there are at least 15 places around the house where you will find my junk that relates to learning and teaching. These include cabinets, book shelves, desktops, bags, baskets, drawers, file boxes and plastic tubs.
I am always amazed when I actually lay my hands on the book or article or journal entry I have in mind. It helps to pray and ask God where it is and then just head to that area of the house.
The other thing that has been interesting is finding little bundles of index cards with prayers on them. Scripture and prayers for different seasons of life.
The bundles are tattered from being prayed through, and some have praises recorded. Others are prayers I am STILL praying. And many are prayers that were answered AFTER I moved on to a new season of index cards.
One I ran across mentioned an unspoken that I couldn’t put my finger on exactly. It has come into clarity, and yes, I am still praying for that one. God gave me the discernment to pray before the issue manifested. I just didn’t know what I was praying for. Now I do…
Others have been answered in such unusual and delightful ways.
It’s good to read how God worked in the lives of those in the Bible. It’s good to read the testimonies of those in our generations who have overcome. But it’s a real faith booster to remember how God has worked specifically and personally in my own life and in the lives of those around me.
I hope you are recording your prayers somewhere and I hope you are going back and writing the dates of answers. Tuck them in a drawer and go back after a time. See what God has done. You may have forgotten you prayer, but He didn’t !
Be encouraged today. He is faithful <3
Hi Laura,
I just returned from Vancouver where I visited my daughter for roughly a week. I had such a wonderful time but I’m glad to be back home. One thing I missed was my internet connection. Crazy how dependent I’ve become on being “connected”. lol.
As always, your posts “shoot straight to the heart”. I LOVE your idea of recording prayers. I use to keep a list in my Bible but for one reason or another, I stopped doing that a long time ago. Note cards are a much better way of keeping track. I especially like the idea of notating how God has answered prayer. Once again…thanks for the awesome reminder!
Hope all is well with you! {hugs}!
Thanks Lisa! I have to turn my phone off every now and then just to remind me that it’s ok if people can’t get a hold of me for a little while!! Crazy, right??? =0)
Glad you are back – hoping there will be a delightful surprise on your site soon with some pics from your trip …. hint hint…..