That song you just can’t get out of your head <3
Oh friends…this would be the time when the back row of our Sunday school class would have shifted in their seats, whispered to each other, settled back and smiled because they knew…I have bitten off a big chunk of Scripture that looked like a little something but is going to be a deeper foray into God’s Word than we first thought.
I miss teaching because I miss studying.
I have not made the transition well from going to preparing a weekly lesson to just studying because I want to learn.
Back in the day, I had the momentum of knowing I needed to stand in front of a group of the sweetest people on God’s green earth every Sunday morning and share what I had dug into. Without their faces to show up for, I have done my reading and done some other people’s studies, but I miss following something that catches my heart.
So we may be in for one of those run on series for the next few days or weeks…hope you are up for it <3
I found a commentary I am honing in on for the start of this journey. On an website called “Enduring Word”, the author (David Guzik 2018) shared that there are many commentators who affirm that this song was actually written much earlier in David’s life and was inserted here, out of chronological place.
However, he points out that this is not necessarily true. While the song we read here is very much like Psalm 18, which was written when David was younger and had escaped numerous attempts on his life by King Saul, Guzik points out a quote by James Montgomery Boice.
“The psalm appears almost as David’s final words. Hence, it is a summary thanksgiving for God’s many deliverances of him through is long life of service.” (Boice)
Another quote by Charles Spurgeon agrees with this: “We have another form of this Psalm with significant variations…and this suggest the idea that it was sung by David at different times when he reviewed his own remarkable history, and observed the gracious hand of God in it all.”
So for today we are stopping there to think on this idea.
What “song” have I sung about God over the years that I will still be singing when I am down to my last words?
I pause and ponder.
I think on what I sing to myself when alone or think I am out of earshot of anyone who would have to endure my lack of singing skill.
Here are the ones that come to mind:
Great is the Thy Faithfulness, O God my Father…morning by morning new mercies I see…all I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me. (Thomas Chisholm)
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound…that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see. (John Newton)
Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, we are weak but He is strong. (Anna Warner)
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand…all other ground is sinking sand. When He shall some with trumpet sound, oh may I yet in Him be found. Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before His throne. (Edward Mote)
Those are just a few of them and sometimes I only know a few of the lines, but I sing them over and over.
What are you singing, dear friends?
What story of faithfulness are you rehearsing so that when all the strength of your years is gone, it will be your testimony of His love and grace, His mercy and kindness and His great faithfulness that undergirded your days?