Step into my living room, the projector is loaded and ready to roll….. <3

Remember back in the day when your dad would set the projector up in the living room and show slides of your vacation?
Well, melt some plastic and dim the lights and enjoy my photos of our most recent trip and you will be able to experience what it was like when I was growing up….
So Russ and I made a nice little visit to Estes Park, Colorado this past week…

Proof positive here…and yes, travel hair was on point.
We found it to be as scenic and peaceful as we had been told it would be and enjoyed lovely views…

and checked off a dual bucket list item by joining a white water rafting trip which involved riding a vintage school bus for 80 minutes on roads like this…

which proved to be more harrowing than the actual rafting.
We were forecasted for rain, but God held back the clouds and we enjoyed a sunny and beautiful trip down the Cache Poudre River with a great group of newbies and one excellent and funny guide…

And if the water looks darker than you typically think of white water rafting…it’s because this was the first day that the run off from the mountains included ash from last year’s fires.
The guides were over the top excited that we were experiencing this…we noted that ash run off is just as cold as clear run off…which is pretty darn cold…but we loved it.
The next day we enjoyed driving up into the higher elevations to Long’s Peak, which was sadly hiding behind clouds.
But Colorado did not disappoint…

we still had delights along the way like this beautiful church tucked in the side of the road and a hike around Lily Lake…

where we spotted all manner of bird life and thankfully none of these…

Speaking of wild life…

this guy liked to graze down the road from our residence and we saw him frequently on trips into town.
We also saw this guy…

and we were lucky enough to get a head shot of him…
I also apparently own an ice cream parlor and candy shop in Estes Park…

Who knew?
But if I do says so myself, I make very good ice cream.

After enjoying several days in the tranquility and grandeur of the natural beauty just outside the Rocky Mountain National Park, we headed back down into Denver area.
If you know us, you know we try to hit up any available MLB game when traveling and as it turned out the Rockies were having their Opening Day 2.0…the first game with full capacity.
It was quite the opening…

The Rockies won, the sun shone through beautiful blue skies and there was a flyover that was kind of awesome…
That being said, there were some emotions involved in traveling as we still listen to reports regarding the future with Covid.
There were random restrictions in some places…

and total ignoring of any knowledge of a virus in others.
The problem of getting enough help to open up businesses seems to be country wide…

as overworked staff asked us for patience as we would have to seat ourselves and hope to catch a server on the fly.
We were thankful for the people who were showing up and our hearts went out to Greg at the Chick-fil-a in the Denver airport when he found out that his replacement was not showing up at 1:30 as planned…and he slipped another pair of rubber gloves over swollen hands and started taking the zillionth order for the day.

We also found that the flying is not without inconsistencies and overworked crews as well..but it was something incredible to be able to see the earth from an airplane window and words can’t quite express my gratitude that we had the opportunity one more time <3
And then we got home and this little garden that Russ fortified for me back in the spring has just exploded…

So take that Peter Rabbit….we are looking forward to a bountiful harvest…and are praying the pumpkins don’t take over the north side of the house before autumn.
Thanks for sharing the fun.
It’s good to be home and I gleaned some thoughts to share with you…God’s little lessons picked up on the Journey…but for now…it’s off to the laundry room….