
Staying with the pace car <3


Yesterday we trekked up north to catch three back to back sessions of a Two Ball competition at the Y. All three boys were entered, of course, in their age bracket and since it was holiday…why not?

Since there was more basketball that evening and Russ had a meeting, we took two cars. Well, one car and the truck. Due to the fact that the truck gets low gas mileage and we weren’t in a hurry, Russ let me know he would be going at a bit of a slower pace. 

He offered me to head on and we would meet up at the destination, but I was content to drive behind him. While I usually squeak five miles over the limit, yesterday we were five miles under. 

Needless to say, countless cars and semi’s and pickups blew past us. Normally I would find this stressful. I don’t have to be the fastest, but I also don’t like being the slowest. Ever. Anywhere. 

I noticed though as I followed that familiar cargo bed, I was content. 

It was more important to me to follow him and be as much together as we could be then to not be passed continually. It didn’t matter to me if people glanced over and thought I was an old lady driver. There was a peace. 

As we drove, I turned off the radio and just prayed through different concerns and needs of others. I listened as I prayed and the Lord gently whispered in my spirit…”It’s kind of like following me, isn’t it?”

He was right. 

When I keep my eyes on Jesus and desire more to be as close as I can, focused on staying behind Him, there is a peace that comes. I don’t care so much what others are doing. I am more concerned with keeping His pace than what is going on around me, who is passing me and what others think. 

It is the spiritual version of “stay in your lane, bro” and it is good advice <3

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