Speaking of sky-writing <3

Yesterday was spent up north tending the fab four and their new puppy.
After school, we were scheduled to go to a local pumpkin patch/play area and so we navigated the car pool lane and survived and made our way out into the country.
As we were driving, the clouds in the sky were so incredibly beautiful I was marveling at God’s handiwork and thought I would attempt to draw my passengers into my love of our creative Creator.
I started to make a comment that sounded almost like a Sunday School cliche and so rather than go with my first observation, I simply told them to be sure and look past the video screen production of Veggie Tales and observe how the clouds appeared to be almost like a water color painting across the blue sky.
Behind me came the voice of that firstborn boy who has been penetrating my eyes, thoughts and heart for over eight years now.

In the softest voice he said, “Lola, can you believe God painted that with His own hand?”
My thoughts exactly.
Coming out of the mouth of the offspring of our offspring.
I could only manage to whisper…yes Graham. Yes I can believe He did that.
And then I just let my heart bow in worship to the One who paints such beautiful pictures in the sky and over mankind.

Best. Day. Ever.
Thanks so much for your blog Laura. I love reading it and you help me work on seeing God in everything… especially in times I am experiencing a challenging season in my journey.
Oh thank you so much. That is my “why” of doing this. For anyone who wanders by here to see something of our beautiful and loving God who is with us on the journey…the best times and the hardest are all accompanied with His Presence (even when WE can’t sense it at the time) and they serve a purpose beyond our pleasure or our sorrow. We will see one day all that He was doing and it will be made beautiful. Saying a special prayer for whatever season you are currently walking through <3