
Some wise words from a pastor friend <3


I saw a post written by our former youth pastor who has moved on to starting up a new church called Story Hill in….

He had been considering his own place in the arena of political opinions and shared how the Bible encourages us regarding political powers. I have had similar thoughts recently but had not taken the time to do what he did. 

Maybe you are like me and would glean some insight by reviewing the Scriptures and thoughts he shared. I didn’t ask permission, but am assuming since it was posted on social media, I am okay to pass along to you. 

Giving full credit to Josh Koskinen, lead pastor of Story Hill Church in Mukwonago, WI:

  1. Respect Authority, But Fear God More

Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2: 13-17 encourage believers to submit to governing authorities because God allows them to exist for maintaining order. However, this submission is not absolute – Acts 5:29 makes it clear that when human laws contradict God’s commands, “We must obey God rather than men.”

  1. Engage, Don’t Withdraw

While Jesus didn’t seek to overthrow the Roman government, He challenged injustice and called people to live by God’s kingdom values. In a democracy, Christinas have a unique opportunity to participate in shaping laws, advocating for justice, and voting for leaders who align with biblical principles. 

  1. Stand Firm in Faith

Throughout history, believers like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respectfully resisted ungodly laws while remaining faithful to God. Similarly, when governing authorities push policies that oppose biblical values, Christians are called to stand firm, whether through peaceful resistance, advocacy, or personal conviction. 

  1. Advance the Kingdom Over Political Power

Jesus’ focus was always on the kingdom of God rather than political reform. While civic engagement is important, believers should prioritize spiritual transformation over political victories. Our hope isn’t in earthly rulers but in Christ as King. 

This isn’t a statement one way or the other on current events, but just thoughts I am praying through as I think about my personal engagement in politics and ask God to mold my heart towards Kingdom of God Advancement! from Josh <3 https://www.storyhillc.org/our-team

I hope this gives you all some grounded food for thought. Thankful for Josh’s wise words. I know I can’t just nod my head and move on. God is calling me to do my own prayerful reflection on how to advance His Kingdom in the midst of the times in which I have been placed. Be blessed as you pray your own way through <3

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