Some thoughts on prayer <3

Anybody else marveling we are three months into 2020?
In some ways it has flown by and in other ways, have mercy…it has been the longest three months of our lives. Bar none.
I think back to January and how very few, if any, people had the entire world being unified by one battle on their radar.
But God did.
I can assure you of that one truth.
None of this takes the God of the universe, who sees the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end, by surprise.
He has no beginning and He has no end and He exists outside of time and space and origin.
He always is and always will be.
He formed us and all that is out of absolutely nothing and He cares for us and loves us and has provided a way for us to be reconciled to Him though we blatantly have disregarded Him.
We are invited during this time of a global pandemic that is shaking all the foundations of health, relationships, governments and the economy to engage in even more intimate and personal fellowship with the God of our hope and salvation.
That is my view today and will be my view always, by His grace that holds me fast to His mercy and truth.

So this morning as I have studied along with Kelly Minter’s fourteen day glimpse at portions of the Sermon on the Mount regarding prayer, I offer you my paraphrase of Jesus’ teachings on prayer from Matthew 6: 5-8 and then I plan to put it into practice:
Whenever you go to pray –
Go in a private space
Shut the door to all distractions and just be very alone with God
Pray to your Abba Father who dwells in the deepest and most hidden places of your heart and soul.
Don’t babble and run on with what you think sounds like good prayers.
Pray from your heart.
Talk to Him like you would a good friend about what is on your mind and heart.
Speak honestly and sincerely and with raw, unedited words.
Sort things out with Him that you do not understand because…
He does…
Because He knows.
Because He listens.
Because He hears.
Because He helps.
Then quiet your own words and heart and lean in.
Be held as you listen for any words He has for you.
And if He is silent, then just be held <3
paraphrase of Matthew 6:5-8 Laura Reimer <3
you could not have picked a more meaningful time to deliver this to us. God Bless and surround you and yours with protection Marjorie in Clinton
Thank you Marjorie <3 may your blessing return on you and yours <3