Some randoms on how you can help me <3
This is one of my most surprising supporters over the years. I started writing with a heart for empty nest type moms like me because I couldn’t find any blogs for our demographic.
Amazingly enough, there are actually all kinds of ages of both men and women who let me know they read what I write. And when I don’t write, I found out that this one will ask Rachel if her mom posted today because he didn’t see anything in his in box.
So he, along with all my family and so many friends have been cheering me along and now celebrating with us as the book is actually in people’s hands. If you are just showing up, my friend and fellow writer, Shelly Templin, put together a collection of some of our Christmas writings to make a little book.

A lot of you have let me know you have purchased so for today here are some ways you can help me out…
Random #1
Pray for me to write another one, because Miss Caroline is deeply disappointed that I didn’t wear this macaron necklace from her in my head shot for the back of the book.
I snapped my selfie for it at work one day when it was past the deadline for it to be turned in and I was not wearing this treasure.
I must write another book ASAP and correct my mistake. Promises have been made.
Random #2
If you like the book and you are on social media PLEASE SHARE my posts about it as well as your own post if you feel comfortable.
Also please do not get tired of Shelly and me posting and promoting it. Social media has logarithms that I don’t understand, but things can get buried unless people show an interest.
If you think people you know would be blessed by reading the book, you sharing it is huge.
Random #3
If you have ordered, and if you like the book, PLEASE GO TO AMAZON, and leave a review for us. Somehow if we get a certain number of reviews, Amazon actually promotes the book.
The stars are nice, but a written review is very helpful!
Here is the link
Random #4
If you aren’t on social media, and you like the book – please consider telling others about it and how to find it.
Random #5
Whatever you do or don’t do, thank you for reading what I write. Thank you for those who have been so encouraging.
You are the reason I do this.
You are precious and dearly loved.
Don’t ever forget that.