Some random thoughts on rest <3

As I am mulling over the notes jotted down on this little series in the subject of “Sabbath rest” it seems the randoms method would work well for us today.
So here are some random thoughts running through my head:
As I examine God’s command about keeping the Sabbath holy and doing no work on it, including the bonus material regarding the way he provided two days worth of manna one day a week so they wouldn’t have to gather on the Sabbath; I think about how we tend to go out to eat sometimes on Sunday…thereby relying on others to be working so we can enjoy a meal without preparation and cleanup.
We don’t do that as a way of “not working” but it does give me pause to wonder what God thinks of this.
Which leads me to
As you go on into the Feasts and such, which also are a kind of rest time – they are all centered on both celebrations with family AND a total focus on God and who He is and what He is done.
I think of our “feasts”, whether they are family meals around the holidays or vacations we take and these are considered an opportunity to get away from the routine of work, but do we consciously use these times to “rest” as God prescribed?
One of the biggest struggles I have had and have heard addressed by teachers and pastors, so I know I am not alone, is that worship on Sunday’s is often a struggle between me trying to set aside all that is tumbling in my mind or how I feel that particular morning and intentionally turning my focus on to declaring the worth of God.
I often find myself having to work rather hard at drowning out the noise in my own head to focus on the words. And sometimes the words or tune are so difficult for me to follow that I get distracted with the music and forget the focus on God.
As I think on all of these randoms, I once again fall back on Grace.
I always fall back on Grace.
I fall back on that God knows what I am made of. After all, He made me.
He knows my weaknesses and He understands my wiring better than I do.
He welcomes all of us to just come, as we are, and offer what we have.
I am reminded that Jesus explained to His disciples that HE is the LORD of the Sabbath.
What a blessing to think He walked among us and He is with us and He will help us as we ask for greater understanding of this Sabbath rest.
The things that kept the Israelites from this rest were two-fold.
Lack of Faith and disobedience.
Perhaps we can pray according to so many examples in Scripture and ask God to increase our faith and strengthen us to obey His word.
To combine faith with obedience and keep growing mature in our relationship with Him.