So thankful for my prayer warriors <3

Good morning and let me say it is wonderful to be back in the land of the living again.
In the wee hours of the morning Thursday, I staggered to what I thought was going to be the show down of too many days breathing in the precious but highly contagious flu germs that are being passed around by those sweet little people up north.
Three of them have succumbed and I was up close and personal with all of them during the incubation phases so I have pretty much lived with a target on my back as I munched on Vitamin C tablets and wondered at each meal if this was going to be something I regretted.
I will keep this in less than colorful details as I am sure we all know what it feels like when stomach flu rears its ugly head so suffice to say, I was the baby we would all assume me to be and cried out to Russ so he could come and pat me on the head and tell me he was sorry and go back to bed.
Somehow when I am sick, I just need someone to know…lucky Russ.
I was praying fervently for the Lord to take it away and while my spirit knew He could, my brain was reminding me that a virus was most definitely implanted and most likely would have to be endured.
And then I remembered a text I got on Wednesday morning. A dear friend; who is one of those prayer warriors you want to be on the list of because she is tuned into the Spirit when she prays, let me know that I had been on her mind in her prayers since Sunday.
When I say dear friend, I need you to know we rarely talk via text, phone or in person because life has gotten ridiculous and we just don’t connect as much as I would like to. So there is no way she knew anything about what was going on with me.
I responded that her prayers were always appreciated and except for being exposed to a lot of flu recently, I didn’t know why God had prompted her prayers, but keep it up, please and thank you.
So as I sat there about to pass out and having little faith in the possibility this could be passed over…in remembering this conversation…hope rose within me and lo and behold…it passed over.
I went back to bed and while I did have rumblings of ill health through the night and was flat wiped out with fever, chills and headache throughout Thursday…I never got sick.
Today I woke fever free and feeling 100% recovered.
I texted her and let her know all that had happened and she texted back how she had been unsure if she should let me know but felt really pressed to tell me she was led to pray for me.
She was encouraged that she had heard from God. I was encouraged that she had too.
Do you see the interweaving of faith through prayers of uncertain and imperfect people?
The great praise and rejoicing is not so much that I was spared the more disgusting parts of flu, although I will say that I personally have been rejoicing mightily for that particular deliverance!!
The great praise is how God encouraged my friend, me and hopefully now YOU about the power of prayer and the way God has woven our lives together when we are obedient to Him. Encouragement is contagious.
Scripture reminds us in our weakness (our humanity, our lack of full information, our selfishness at times, our ignorance) we do not know how to pray…but if we will yield our minds and hearts and spirits to Him and ask Him to pray through us, He will assist us in praying – even if we do not fully know why. (Romans 8:26)
And please, oh please, if He presses on your heart to let someone know you have been burdened to pray for them – do it.
We must urge one another on and this is one of the beautiful ways in which we do this.
Bless you today.
Laura <3