So. Much. Rain.
Hey ho and Happy Monday!
It has been raining ALL morning and the rain gauge has been fill-in up before my very eyes.
Now the sun is peeping out and I can only imagine the sauna-like atmosphere if we are treated to a full sky of it but as I look at the radar, it appears this slow moving storm is being followed by yet another.
We had a beautiful night Friday, for which I thanked God over and over and I will treat you to some photos to share our birthday-palooza for John, but for today he is still under our roof and we are leaving in a bit to take him back to St. Louis to catch his flight.
Since it is a late one, we will have some time to spend with Sarah, hopefully before it starts raining there. We all love to explore some walking paths, so that is the plan.
Throughout the past three days, while we truly enjoyed the gift of family time, I was made aware of several families who need deep prayer.
So much news of cancer, countries where Covid is not being dealt with and people we love are hurting, life changes for many people who are so dear…we hold up our hands as if presenting these precious ones right before God and we pray for His healing touch.
Life is fragile…we can be weakened with care.
May the Lord shine His warmth and love and tenderness on your hurts today. Wherever you need His touch to be, I pray you sense it in a real and powerful way.
You are loved greatly, your life matters much.
Do not grow weary … He is faithful <3