Simple prayers <3

Hello and happy Friday!
We are having a burst of such cold weather here in the Midwest, but the sun is shining and it certainly helps keep our spirits up!
It seems we have shared a lot of meals with our little band of four already in the first month of 2022 and our Caroline has developed a love for adding her own prayer to anyone else’s before we eat.
I first noticed it when they stayed with us New Year’s weekend and now at every meal, no matter who is asked to or volunteers to pray, she raises her hand and says she will also be praying.
I say, yes..yes…yes…please do sweet girl.
Her prayers are precious. Every line starts with ’Thank you God” and there are always quite a few sentences.
At New Years I had to chuckle as she prayed:
“Thank you God for mommy and daddy to be having a good time without us and thank you God for that we are having a good time without them.”
Yesterday she bowed her head over her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which is her staple food source at least once if not three times a day and said so reverently; “Thank you God for this delicious lunch that Lola made for us. And thank you God for Lola to be here to fix our lunch.”
I cannot tell you what that does for a heart to hear your name being lifted to God as a “thank you God for…” prayer. We need to do this for each other more often.
The list goes on when she prays.
She thanks Him for what she has, she thanks Him for who she has, she thanks Him for what she hopes she will get, she thanks Him for any trouble that we might be having because she thanks Him that He will help us.
What a lesson for all of us as we pray.
It’s right out of Scripture and modeled by this little prayer warrior.

Thank you God.
Thank you for…and then just start naming the things right in front of your eyes.
Even if it is a plain old peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
We can make prayer so complicated.
I hope you smile as you bow your head today and start each sentence off with —–> Thank you God for….
Hope you have a blessed, safe, healthy and happy weekend <3
I am thanking God for YOU!
With our grands, prior to eating our meal, we pray collectively acknowledging God’s greatness and asking Him to bless our food. Most often once we finish, the middle grand who is now eight years old will choose to continue to pray. Yes, his prayers are full of thanks to God, but it is the way he begins his prayer that is special. Even though this boy is not a southerner, the way he drawls out, “Dearrrrr Jesus. ….” makes this grandma’s heart melt. Thannnnk you, Jesus!
Oh this was so fun to read! I have to publish it so the others can smile with me. Listening to the prayers of these children is just the best. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, God for Laura and her words of wisdom and the way she expresses Your Word through such lovely examples.
Awwwww…..Thank you God for Gerry who always encourages me. Bless her day <3