
Rest stops on the journey <3


It’s going to be a hot Labor Day weekend if the weather man is correct, but I love the perspective of the newscaster this morning.

Six months from now will be February and we know it will most likely be intensely cold – so nothing out of the ordinary for us to still be embracing the heat and humidity even though we long for all things Fall. 

Are you traveling this weekend?

As I remember back to my school days in Kentucky, back when we returned to the classroom after Labor Day, this would have been the week my mom and dad would head down to the Smokey Mountains for our last hurrah before their schedule revolved around my education and activities. 

We would stay at  a park with a pool.

By day we swam or made treks up into the mountains and by night we would wander the shops and such of Gatlinburg. This was back in the day before Dollywood and miles of developed area we know it to be now. 

Back when riding the chair lift up the side of a hill overlooking the few blocks that made up the tourist area was akin to going to Six Flags. 

My parents loved traveling and we logged many miles every summer after my dad retired from the Air Force. 

I read a lot of books and my peer group consisted of people who are my current age or older. We played cards and I listened to their stories and many of my fondest memories involve time spent with them in their world.

Road traveling in a trailer means you take your home with you and so when I pass by rest areas on the highway, I think back to what a haven those were for us. 

We would pull off for our lunches and while my dad opened up the windows to get a breeze going and my mom fixed sandwiches, I would walk our dog over to the open area to burn off energy for both of us. 

It was so much better than those places in travel where no place had been provided and we would take our breaks along the side of a highway.

The trailer would shake as cars and trucks sped by. Walking Tiger meant high stepping through the dry grass and tall weeds in the ditch alongside the edge of pavement. 

We need rest areas in life. 

We need places where we can hole up for a while and refresh ourselves. 

God tells us He leads us to these places. 

I hope and pray you will take some time this weekend – no matter what your schedule is like – and embrace the celebration of Labor Day.

Be thankful to God for the work He has provided, but also take time to just rest. 

God bless you in whatever you do and may you sense His peace leading you to quiet places. 

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