Resources as we head in to 2023 Day 5 <3
I hope you have had a good week and are off to a healthy and productive start to the new year.
This week on the blog, I have been sharing resources I use or have used in the past that are helpful to spur me on in my faith and for the practice of the disciplines of study, meditation, and/or Bible intake.
Because these resources come from Scripture based thought and teaching, they end up being useful to encourage, convict and equip me to live more like Jesus. And believe me, I need all the help I can get.
Today I want to share with you about a podcast that is produced by one of our well-respected Bible teachers at FCC.
Dave Campbell has been a teacher that many of us look forward to learning from during the various Equip sessions the church offers and so I am pleased to tell you that you can sit under Dave’s teaching through his website and new podcast called The Whole Testament Podcast.
Here is the Link –
You can find the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Just enter “The Whole Testament” in the search bar and be sure to subscribe.
Dave, along with guests – many of whom local people will know well, explore the fullness of the gospel by bringing together the Old and New Testaments and helping us understand how there is no division between them.
In the introductory episode, which aired in November of 2021, Dave explained a visual of Jesus in the center of all things; surrounded by a small circle that it is the New Testament, enclosed in a little bigger circle that is the Old Testament and then all encircled, yet again, with Jesus.
There are currently 18 episodes and they alternate between shorter podcasts that introduce a passage, followed by longer ones (around an hour) that dig deeper into this passage, plus some conversational sessions thrown in to lighten things up.
It is like having a class and small group at your fingertips.
Grab a pen and notebook, your Bible and enroll today. I am working may way through from the beginning and learning so much.
Please remember that for someone to produce a podcast, there is a bit of investment in the equipment needed to make sure the sound is a good quality for listening plus the hours of study that goes into preparing.
Show the love by sharing, commenting and rating this podcast on whatever app you use to listen. This helps them get the word out.
Whatever you are doing to grow in knowledge and wisdom this year, I pray you are diligent and finding God meeting you right where you are. He loves you and cares about you so much.
Blessings and may we all grow in our faith this year.