Recap of the weekend <3
We had a whirlwind of a visit from Uncle John. He arrived late on Thursday evening and hit the ground running. Made all the stops, saw all the people and then he was gone.
We loved having him with us for the after school pick-up. Everyone was full of enthusiasm. He got to experience the after school shenanigans, a baseball game and dinner with the whole family.
Saturday we hit up the Farmer’s Market for donuts and coffee and then headed home for lunch prep for the St. Louis branch to come and have time together.

In the mid-afternoon, Russ and John headed to Champaign for the U of I game where they met up with several old neighbor and school friends of John.
I enjoyed some time with Sarah and Jack and this guy….
which Sarah then sent this doppleganger meme of…
and gives you an idea of how our children provide constant humor for us that keeps me giggling for days.
John headed back to St. Louis after dropping his dad off from the game and he is back in Texas.
Russ and I celebrated Labor Day by riding our bikes for about twenty miles out in the country.
Uphill…into the wind…no matter what direction we went.
I asked how the wind was always in our face and he reminded me where we live.
So it was a great weekend and here is probably one of my favorite pics that sums up who we all feel when we can be together…
Love that third born connection they have shared since day 1.
Hope you had a good weekend.
It’s fall…y’all…so will be switching gears for a new season and hope to see you tomorrow <3