
Randoms…all the details as to why we are early is in the post…<3


As I look at the calendar for the rest of the week and see we will be finishing up November in just a few days, I decided to bump our Wednesday Randoms to today. Unlike most random’s these actually will (hopefully will?) serve a purpose and help you understand how the Countdown to Christmas 2023 is going to look. 

So here we go. Ready or not. And believe me, I am not ready. 

Random #1


If you are new to the Journey this year, I have been doing Christmas Countdowns for a number of years. The idea was birthed in a series of emails my cousin Betty and I would send when our homes were still filled with our youngun’s and you had to laugh at the hectic pace of all the holiday events, concerts, traditions and such or you would cry. 

We passed these humorous and slightly exaggerated notes back and forth and I believe attempted to do a few more years, though we never could top the first one. So I decided to do Countdown’s here with you all. 

As I look back over them I have shared a variety of Scripture themed countdowns. Two years ago I did Christmas song lyrics and thoughts they inspire and last year I did a series on some of our special ornaments and the stories behind them. 

You know I love photos as much as words, so often the days were counted down with numbers I found out and about to snap a pic of. 

You are up to speed now for ….

Random #2


I started praying about what we would do for the countdown this year. As I prayed, it came to me to start sharing some of the stories gleaned from the gazillion part time jobs I have held over the years. 

It has been a new and fun process for me to actually sit and write and then edit and have someone look over and edit again. There are a few already waiting in queue for this countdown project 2023. The idea was that I could finally gather some material all in one theme and then possibly, finally, have my first book. 

I am letting you in on this realizing that every time I voice that it doesn’t happen, but I have hopes. 

Random #3


The problem with this was, that while I think it will be fun for you to read, there are only a few of my stories that might possibly relate to the season of Christmas and the heart of why we celebrate. 

I was troubled by something about the plan. I prayed some more and this morning God gave me a little schedule that brought me peace. 

So here is how we will countdown to Christmas this year. Monday through Friday you will get a story from my illustrious career of not having a career. On Saturdays I will share some of the goings on here in our family Christmas fun or angst or both. And then on Sundays there will be an Advent devotional thought to share with you. 

Random #4


I almost didn’t share the post I wrote I yesterday. It seemed silly and not worthy of your time. 

Again, and I do this a lot here, I prayed and went ahead and posted. I actually heard from several people that it resonated. I am so thankful. 

I have felt several times the same way about this series I am doing in December. So I hope and pray it makes you all smile and gives you a wee respite from the holiday overwhelm. 

Random #5


I managed to read four books this month! So tomorrow and Thursday will be some thoughts about those! 

See you tomorrow <3

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