
Randoms <3


Hello friends

It has been a busy week and morning has not lended to stopping by here. So once again, it is good to reconnect even if it is just for the randoms. 

Here we go for today…

Random #1


My first two randoms are kind of sad and serious, but they are things on mind lately. I wouldn’t be authentic with you if I didn’t share the top thoughts on my mind in these sessions.

One evening over the weekend, Russ tuned to one of those channels that does features on someone in the sports industry. This particular one happened to be an unusual offering. 

The stories and interviews covered the 2011 Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver. We do not remember this but it was pretty awful to watch as the city was ripped apart by citizens with extreme violence following their loss at the Stanley Cup. 

This particular show also featured the aftermath as people took to social media and had their own violent verbal riot against the participants. Young people who were involved showed repentance for their behavior, tried to understand why they were caught up in something that under normal circumstances they would have said they would never do. 

While they were arrested, tried and served various punishments or disciplines, it was the hate that was sent their way via posts and such that did the most damage.

There were others who were interviewed who tried to stop the vandalism and some were seriously injured. There were law enforcement and media people interviewed as well.

It was shocking to see the public take the role of judge and juror on social media. It was horrifying to see how out of control the crowds became as they egged each other on.

And the most alarming thing was that this was a repeat of a similar event that had happened in 1994. Cars were overturned, businesses looted, street signs damaged and people hurt. 

Mob mentality. 

The worst of us and our humanity and we don’t learn. 

It is frightening and has rested heavy on my spirit all week. 

Random #2


Another visual I caught on a news program vies for space in this broken place for me lately. 

This story was about prisoners held in high security prisons in El Salvador. They were all gang members who have murdered others. 

The conditions they live in with heavy chains and crowded next to each other for long periods of time is an image that I can’t shake. 

Heavy tattoos cover their backs and necks and are exclusive to the right of passage for the part they had in their former life. One of the prisoners explained his tattoos and then said that he will be in this place for life because he killed his fellow citizens. 

I keep thinking of how desperately each one needs forgiveness and redemption. 

So I pray.

I pray that somehow they message of the gospel could reach them. 

The evil we are capable of is alarming. 

How we need a Savior. 

Random #3


I warned you, the first two are heavy. 

Here are some other glimpses of randoms that are also in my mind and heart. 

Time is marching on as we pray for Graham’s High School orientation tonight. 


He has legitimately passed me in height and the deep voice that calls across the room seems closer to a man than a boy. 

I know from experience the rapidity of the next four years. 

Have mercy…may God give us health and strength to enjoy every day of it. 

Random #4

photo credit/Rachel

I had Caroline in the car with me yesterday and she was chattering away as she is known to do. 

She told me how last Friday she had cleaned her desk at school. According to the account, her teacher had said some desks had things in them that shouldn’t be there.

In full transparency she shared that hers was one of them and so a deep cleaning was needed. 

“Lola, it was a big mess. But now it looks fantastic!”

I could listen to her talk all day, every day. 

Random #5


We are having a taste of Spring here on the prairie and it is just fun to see all the die hards who still brace through Winter for such a time as this. 

Smiles abound as we don lighter jackets and take walks again. 

There is something about the longer presence of daylight and the lessening of bitter in the wind that never ceases to blow over these fields that makes the heart bubble up. 

We are sure to get another cold round and maybe unwanted snow and ice, but the end is on the horizon and we feel it.

And to share it with our neighbors and friends as we smile with hope of more outside time ahead is a gift. 

I love where we live and the people we share it with. 

God is good <3

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