Rainy days and Thursdays <3
Hello to you on a rainy Thursday morning <3
I am sitting here trying to think of something inspiring or encouraging to send to you today but to be honest…I am not feeling 100%
Fighting a cold would be my guess and heading up north soon to watch the band of brothers and little miss….so….just a fun bit of goofy from my world. And you know what?
I am finding out that it’s ok to just touch base with you all.
Because not every day is full of deep meaning and insight. In fact, Russ and I are taking a class at church on Wednesday nights and learning a bit more about the different sacrifices and offerings in those books you and I tend to scan through like Leviticus and Numbers.
We are finding out that there was more in the instructions than meets the eye and one of the offerings was about giving God our normal, everyday, routine life stuff…offering up to Him the mundane repetitions that make up our 24/7’s.
So today I give you my latest adjustment that has been a lifesaver in regards to my on-going tension with Siri.
My dear friend Kim recently showed me how to change her voice to an Irish accent and now when seeking directions or making a call, I get Touched by an Angel instead of Miss Bossy Pants.
It’s been a game changer.
Instead of calling my family “Reeeee-mur” in a harsh and demeaning tone…I get a lilting and gentle Roma Downey type response…”calling RAY-mur” and it sounds like a song.
Granted our name is supposed to be said with full on German RYE-mer….but hey…this is a vast improvement.
It’s also kind of funny when she doesn’t understand my instructions and all of her prompts are Irish as in…Call Liam or Remind me to call mum or Tell Siobhan I’ll be right there
And this kind of stuff just cracks me up.
It’s the little things people.
And that’s the point of today…friends help us remember how good God is to us. They ease the bumps and make us laugh. They cry with us and hold our hands when we just need silence.
So today…I want you to know that showing up here every week is like visiting a friend for me.
Even though I cannot see your faces, you matter to me because you matter to Him.
Our days are full of ups and downs and irritations and joys. A mix of it all and in those little things, lived out in community and fellowship, goes life.
Each of you are a precious reminder that we do not journey alone. And while we are so grateful for a God who loves us and calls us His children…how wonderful to travel along the way with the likes of all of you.
So thanks to Roma…here is an Irish blessing and a prayer from my heart for you to close today…wish you could hear her read it…
’tis lovely <3
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm on your face, the rains fall soft on your fields.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Love this post.
aww….<3 and I love you right back