Perfect peace perfected in us <3

Finding it hard to believe it is the end of July, but it is and there isn’t a thing we can do about it.
School families are looking at a mere two weeks of “summer” before school starts, though we all know that the weather has not been notified and we will be sweating and swatting flies for another month or two.
This week on the blog, I decided to attempt a mini-series on the idea of Peace.
If you are just joining, it was sparked by a phrase I read on Monday in my morning devotions where the author outlined a Saturday that started spiritually great. A morning run, a moving quiet time and a nice breakfast. From there the day unraveled with many unwanted interruptions and surprises and he said “Control masquerades as peace.”
In his assessment as to how he handled the morning versus the rest of the day, he realized that the peace he had experienced up until he was clearing away his breakfast dishes was only because he felt in control of his day.
When his day began to control him, he lost his peace.
Well, ironically, I too had peace when I said we would do little series, but like the author, the week got away from me and I felt I was scrambling every morning to write something full of thought and meaning.
In reality, I am scrambling most mornings and this whole idea behind even writing you all is to just have a chat with you and hope God speaks through what I type.
So as I end the week, I decided to not just focus on what peace is, but look at what it isn’t.
I am a word nerd, so I started the whole series by defining what biblical peace is and we found that it is most clearly understood as being complete, whole, at rest.
Then I googled antonyms of peace and found these words:
- Broken
- Insufficient
- Impaired
- Defective
- Deficient
- Imperfect
- Lacking
- Missing
- Needy
- Unfinished
As I read this list, Scriptures of Truth jumped up to me as promises of God for who I am, my condition, my state of being, my character…no matter what is going on around me or how circumstances are being hurled at me or whatever is going on in the world or my immediate location that would threaten to undo me.
So I am first going to write them from memory and then I will add the reference. Because these words are written on my heart, not exactly by any one translation but from years of rehearsing them.
Broken? He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds – Psalm 147:3
Insufficient? My Grace is sufficient for your every need – 2 Corinthians 12:9
Impaired, defective, deficient? You are called and equipped for every good work and I have given you everything you need to do my will – 2 Timothy 3:17
Imperfect? And He will perfect that which concerns me and He will present me perfect before God in Heaven – Psalm 138:8 & Jude 1:24
Lacking? All that you have seen Me do, you will do even more in the power of the Holy Spirit and He will teach you whatever you need to know – John 14:12
Missing? And if one of you is lost, He will leave the 99 and go and find you and WHEN He finds you, He will bring you back – Luke 15
Needy? I have learned in all circumstances to be content – Philippians 4:11-13
Unfinished? It is Finished, completed, done to perfection – John 19:30
That was just off the top of my head and then I had to google the verses to find them.
I am sure as you read the list, your own verses may have jumped up to your mind.
Our peace is found, not in the things of this world or our own small sense of what we can control, but in the Prince of Peace.
God bless you in your anxious and unsettling moments to have His Truth buried deep in you to rise up and remind you He has brought you perfect Peace <3
You are deeply loved.