Palm Sunday 2020 <3

The sun will soon be setting on this unusual Palm Sunday.
Like many of our friends and family, we watched online services – our home church last night and then some of our family’s offerings from their home churches today. Somehow it makes us feel closer to them.
In all three teachings, it would be no surprise that the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was the main text, but each pastor took that and added different applications and takeaways.
All three were reminders that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, He was welcomed as the hoped for answer to their oppression and poverty, diseases and dysfunction.
That He would change the dynamics of the way they were governed and finally restore their wonderful past that they viewed with rose-colored glasses and blinders attached was evidenced in their praises and Hosanna’s.
But He didn’t do things the way they thought and it took little time for them to turn cold and in a few short days their cheers twisted into chants of “Crucify him!!!” as they declared their allegiance to the very government that was oppressing them.
As we look to Him now to deliver this whole world from a pandemic, it occurs to me that this particular virus and all that it has exposed that isn’t as it should be, is just one more example of the pandemic of sin and disease and death that has oppressed us all since the Garden.
We have continued through all the generations since to seek our own way. Times where we have followed and then fallen away only to be pulled up from the pit once again. The world systems that we look to for salvation will always fall short.
Jesus has saved us once and for all, for all who will receive Him.

As we enter Holy Week, I invite you to just reflect with me each day on the events that lead up to the Cross and to the beautiful celebration of New Life that is Easter morning.
Let’s truly engage in remembering this blessed week that brought us from death to life <3
Dear Friend, As usual, you hit it on the nose, reminding us of what we all know but often fail to show that we know! I am glad that you were able to experience a different kind of Palm Sunday, as we were maybe it is good to reflect that though we were all apart, we were still one! That never changes if we listen and follow! The young folks,high -schoolers and a few middle schoolers provided our service, with the Pastor of course. he was at the church ; all these kids at home, sending through zoom , songs,, Scriptures, messages, prayers, our 16 yr old grandson did a wonderful job, deep voice, good reader, enough emotion but not too much to give the last prayer before the Lord’s prayer, we were very proud of him., a great way for our kids to experience Palm Sunday and send the right messages too! do you suppose we will still be in good standing as we had to use cranberry Juice instead of grape? and bread of course, all of us scattered in Clinton, different towns, etc. still a feeling of togetherness. Hosanna in the Highest! Looking forward to” Up from the Grave he Arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes, he arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever his saints to reign He arose— He arose— Hallelujah, Christ Arose! Blessings, and Peace—M
Amen!!! I hope others read this comment and rejoice to hear of the young people participating! Good for our souls to hear this news! I think any kind of juice represents His blood because He knows our hearts <3