Packing up for another Journey this week <3

Well, this blog started out as just an invitation to join me on my journey as I move onward through this path of life for the days I have been assigned on planet earth and as I am bound for just transferring eventually into the eternal life gifted to me through Grace.
And so I share that this week I am packing up that green backpack and a medium sized suitcase to head back to Kenya, which is most likely my final visit there unless God has more surprises up His sleeve.
It’s been ten years since my last trip there and this body has aged a tad. I will be sporting a knee compression sleeve along with those crazy knee high socks and hoping and praying they hold down any swelling.
We will be gone ten days from when my husband and most likely the band of brothers and Miss Thing wave me off and tears come easily to the surface.
Among other things, like gazillion ball games and Father’s Day and other summer shenanigans, I will be missing the actual date of our Sweet Caroline’s birthday. The first time I had to tell her we were in the car and she was in her seat behind me and I thank God for sparing me having to break the news whilst looking into those eyes, because they bore right past the surface and into the soul and it was hard enough just hearing her disappointment without seeing it.

But Papi will be there, won’t he? Of course …. And she is rallying. Me? Not so much <3
We have plans to celebrate early on Thursday with our gifts to her so today we hit up the baking aisle to get supplies for making her cake.

I may have spent less if I had purchased one from the cake shoppe, but you only turn five once and we pulled out all the stops.

So fair warning, this week’s post will be some musings as I prepare to go and thanks for loving me and praying for me, cause Lord knows I need it.
Hope you all are holding up under whatever summer is tossing your way and you are keeping cool and safe.
You are deeply loved <3
Awesome!!! I’ll definitely be praying for you to be healthy and strong and blessed beyond measure!! ❤️
Thank you. I receive those prayers <3
Safe and wonderful journey, Laura! Dick never wanted a long vacation. He couldn’t stand being away from the grands for more than ten days. Enjoy your trip. ❤️
I am with him on that one. I didn’t see them for four days over the weekend and I missed them so much. We have it very good to live close enough to see them often.