
New mercies and great faithfulness, even in the hardest places <3


This week, my morning read through of the Bible had me in Lamentations. 

Jeremiah writes with great sorrow about the upcoming Babylonian captivity following the fall of Assyria, and the treatment of the people, particularly women. It is a horrific time in their story. He is clear that it came with plenty of warnings and multiple opportunities to turn the proverbial Titanic around. 

But the people of God had ignored every warning, every prophet, every conviction of the Spirit that was telling them to turn back. They continued embracing and cherishing their idolatry and their sins. 

And now the consequences were playing out. 

In the midst of that, Jeremiah speaks words that I have certainly found great comfort in. I am sure many of you have as well…

The faithful love of the LORD never ends! 

His mercies never cease. 

Great is His faithfulness; 

His mercies begin afresh each morning. 

Jeremiah 3: 22-23


How many of us have weathered a long, dark, sleepless night? And yet, as the sun came up the next day, we can say we found renewed strength to keep going. 

His mercies are new every morning.

We say this and sing it and take hope in it. 

The verses that precede this declaration of praise list the many sorrows and troubles Jeremiah had endured as he tried to warn the people of coming doom and how to best eek out some semblance of a life of purpose even as they lived in their consequences. 

But he was scoffed at, mocked, imprisoned, and devastated. 

So the verses just between the account of his persecution and his declaration of praise are also noteworthy:

The thought of my suffering and homelessness 

is bitter beyond words. 

I will never forget this awful time, 

as I grieve over my loss. 

Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:

Jeremiah 3:19-21


And then Jeremiah launches into the beautiful passage about God’s grace that you and I can cling to as a reminder that no matter what we are walking through, GREAT is HIS faithfulness and His mercies will NEVER end.

The whole passage ends with this statement of confidence:

I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance;

therefore, I will put my hope in Him!”

Lamentations 3:24


This is the anchor of the whole passage. And the anchor for us when things are hard and we are discouraged.

Whatever life has handed us or taken away or skewed or damaged beyond repair, HE is our inheritance. 

We walk in obedience by putting our HOPE in HIM. 

Blessings on you, my friends. 

Do not forget that He is for us and He is with us and He will never forsake us.

You and I are dearly loved   <3

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