
My, my…how time flies <3

Yesterday was a big day. We celebrated Sweet Caroline turning 7. 

S. E. V. E. N. 

She was in her element all day long. 

At one point I asked her if she was having a fun day and she expressed all the joy and happiness for how everything was going. 

I told her she deserved a very happy birthday because she had worked so hard to make everyone else’s birthdays special this year. 

She agreed and then said, “But Papi’s was the most special. I think it’s the best party I have planned so far.”

I love this for two reasons. 

One is just the non-boastful acknowledgment that she is operating well in her gifting to bless others. 

Second, “so far”…cause she’s just at the very beginning of wielding her hospitality and party-planning skills. 

And if I could choose a gene to pass along, it would definitely be the one where you live to plan ways to make someone feel loved, seen and celebrated. 

Can’t wait to see how this plays out in the years to come. 

Have a blessed weekend.

Keep cool. 

Eat on the good plates.

Have dessert.

Tell your people you love them with words and actions <3

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