Monday thoughts <3

Oh it is good to be home!
I sat a little extra long with my coffee, journal, Bible and prayers this morning and now have a list of things I need to tackle, so a quick thought and we are off and running for a Monday.
With being gone last week, I didn’t really share any thoughts on the No Other Gods study…so I had to smile this morning when one of my first Scripture references in one of my morning devotion standard reads was this one…
“You saw no form of any kind the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves carefully.”
Deuteronomy 4:15
The attribute of God for the passages today was focusing on “Invisible”
How do you feel about that?
Probably like me, you wish that wasn’t a quality of God we have to deal with.
Giant crosses hung in front of the church surrounded by smoke, lights and a lot of people who think like me
A breathtaking sunset
Tiny fingers of our first grandchild gripping my pinkie
All the faces of all our people gathered around the table
Shiny things
Good things
Visible things
These are blessings I can touch and taste and see.

How difficult to realize we can give all we hold dear to be thrown into the fire and when a golden calf just pops out…we figure it must be from God and suddenly….we have strayed into idolatry.
But God reminds us.
He does not “appear” out of the fire.
He is invisible.
He will not satisfy our need and desire for an image.
He is too big for that.
He is greater than the little gods we have made up in our hearts.
Out of good things we fashion a god who can satisfy our immediate need and we can somewhat control and manage and manipulate.
But He refuses to play by our rules.

I am so thankful.
The blessings He has bestowed upon me have come in many shapes and sizes and have been both mind-numbingly beautiful and soul-piercingly difficult.
But not one of His blessings can save me.
He is God and there is no other.
He will show Himself to me by covering His face because He is so glorious I cannot handle it.
And this is more than enough for me <3