
Monday check in to keep us close….<3


Well, well, well…we seem to have a situation here in the world as we knew it. 

Things are transpiring rapidly and it’s hard to keep up with all the announcements, cancellations, lesson plans and art classes now being offered on social media and there is a level of uncertainty spreading as fast or faster than this virus. 

I figure any of you who stop by here on the regular or from time to time do so because you hope to get a little bit of a chuckle and a little bit of perspective from a different angle and so I am sharing a few random thoughts for this rainy Monday before we all go off to figure out how to keep on keeping on in the new normal. 

<3 I am amazed at how quickly small business owners have responded to the mandates and are coming up with ways to try and keep afloat financially when they are being asked to close their doors for seating. 

They have people and their own families to provide income for and they are offering curbside deliveries and such. And all of this in a matter of hours of our governor mandating closure. 

<3 I never saw so many people get invited to a church service on a Sunday as I did yesterday on social media. 

Numerous shares of online church with open invites to join in were posted throughout the day. Wondering if we might try doing that once the crisis passes as well. 

<3 Everybody might want to consider social distancing from social media and the news for at least a portion of the day. 

I know we are all trying to find out what is going on, but it can mess with your head badly. 

We are forecasted for rain here and it’s cold, but truly if you can physically get outside…do it several times a day. 

<3 I am a starter and not a finisher of projects. All the homeschool ideas and lists of schedules are like a moth to a flame for me. 

I have to say out loud, “Laura, you have enough projects and tasks to complete in your own sphere of influence. Step away from the online water color class and go do your chores, girl.”

I know that may sound silly, but one of my subtle idols is distraction through entertainment. I have to get a grip and look away from the shiny things and right now they are abounding out there. 

<3 The elephant in the room right now is that we, all of us…leaders, citizens, medical professionals, politicians, schools, factories, suppliers, small business, large corporations…all of us are dealing with huge levels of unknown outcomes and there are a lot of decisions being made based on projections that have no precedent. 

People will make mistakes. 

There will be careless errors and over zealous actions taken. 

We are not omniscient. 

We are humans. 

We will be scared, we will overreact, we will be trite, we will be melodramatic, we will alternate between petty/selfish and heroic/altruistic. 

Let me repeat. 

We are humans. 

We will lose it with our family and there is going to be fall out from everyone staying cloistered for at least two weeks if not four.

No one…not one human being…knows what the next day, hour or even minute will bring. 

We never have. 

We never will. 

As I mentioned, we are humans. 

If nothing else, maybe this will be the greatest lesson we learn. 

I am choosing to place my trust in God because He is omniscient and omnipresent and omnipotent. He knows the end from the beginning and none of this has taken Him by surprise. 

My hope and faith rise higher than my uncertainties and overtake my questions. 

Even my desk calendar was a call to action today….

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 NLT 

Prayers covering every heart that receives this word today <3 

You are loved…journey onward <3

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