Like parent, like child <3

This morning the verse in my devotion was this:
Be imitators of God,
as beloved children.
Ephesians 5:1 ESV
The author wrote about how we don’t have to work at imitating God. It is in knowing Him as a Father and living in the knowledge that we “belong” to Him and are loved, that we begin to act like Him or….imitate Him.
Recently I had the opportunity to have a brief conversation with a young woman I have known since birth. I don’t see her a lot, but I know her parents well.
She is the mini-me of her father in a lot of ways but as she spoke with me, she crinkled her nose and smiled and spoke reassuringly about something in a way that was so much her mother I had to laugh as I walked away.
Oh, she is her dad made over, but with many hours spent over the years in the presence of her mom, she has developed similar mannerisms and expressions.
I know her parents love her and care for her and have been close through all the years of growing up and their image is pressed into her now.
That is what God wants for us, His children.
To spend time with Him and talk with Him and do daily life with Him to the point that we begin to carry His character, characteristics, mannerisms and activities into the world around us as we speak and live with other humans.
To have Him rub off on us, so we imitate Him without even thinking about it.
We are to be bearers of His Light and Truth in this world.
Spend time in prayer, in mediation on His Word, in reading and study, and just being…
You are….beloved, held, His child.