Lean me Your way today
Our pastor has been assigning weekly reading in the Psalms. Today’s homework was from Chapter 119: 33-40.
This verse jumps off the pages and into my spirit:
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness. verse 36 NKJV
The Message phrases this passage: Give me a bent for your wisdom, and not for piling up loot.
I can’t say that I sit around wishing I had more money, but with a deeper and more purposeful look into how I spend my time it would seem I do have a fair amount of this piling of loot syndrome.
A quick walk through of the innards of our home reveals closets and drawers crammed full. Those “empty nest” bedrooms have become a catch all for extra clothes, craft supplies and boxes of keepsakes from our life AND our relatives!
I need to dig through it, disperse it, or use it; but alas, a trip to Target or Hobby Lobby brings more project ingredients, more gadgets, more, more, more….
What is the answer to this malady?
Incline my heart to Your testimonies. Bend me towards Your wisdom. Pry me away from all these earthly treasures and shape me, Lord. Teach me from Your Word and transform my mind as I am renewed. Give me wisdom for what I truly need and strengthen me to turn away from worthless things.
I hope your pastor is getting in your business by getting you in to the Word! I am so thankful for the “ouch” of conviction as we work through Psalms the next few weeks. In an effort to be accountable to the application of this word this morning, I hope to apply the teaching of it to……