Just checking in <3

Welcome to Wednesday <3

I have no big thought for your day, but stopping by here is part of my life. So in case it is also a part of yours, I didn’t want to not show up.

I think part of our testimony is simply that.

Simply showing up consistently in the places God has set up for us as our sphere of influence and letting Him do His thing through us.

Speaking of simplicity…that was the word I ended up with as a focus for 2018.

I took some little survey on Dayspring and, after answering a few questions, this was what the quiz-makers deemed to be my key word for the coming year.

I wrote it on a post it note and stuck it to the bottom of our computer screen and then proceeded for a couple of weeks to overcomplicate the method which with I would learn to Simply my life.

After I had started a notebook and looked up all manner of websites and Scriptures on the subject and then considered that maybe I should have used a different notebook..or pen…or way of organizing the information and perhaps there are some books out there on the subject I could order….aaaaannnndddddd…..

it hit me that Dayspring may be just using quizzes to gather info on potential customers, but they might just be on to something with my need to … S.I.M.P.L.I.F.Y.

So I have begun to apply the word in two areas.

The first is to self-talk myself out of over-thinking.

Which basically means I say out loud to myself a lot so far this year….

“Just DO something. Start SOMEWHERE. You have no lack of things to do and it doesn’t matter which one you do first so just DO ONE OF THEM.”

And it is actually working.

The second was a little tidbit I picked up from one of my google searches on simplicity and it was a great quote and since I am deferring to point #1 and I have no idea who it came from but it wasn’t me…. credits to you, anonymous person…

for this nugget…

in order to simplify a complicated life, you may have to take some time to sort through the mess, clean it up and move on.

This is genius to one like me.

Because my idea of “simplify” can sometimes mean “ignore and maybe it will go away.”

This can apply to feelings/emotions, clutter, paperwork, mundane maintenance tasks, old food in the refrigerator…just about anything that I don’t want to deal with.

And as anyone who isn’t like me knows, this just means the messes increase as does anxiety, procrastination, discouragement and  all kinds of complications.

Instead, by applying this word “simplicity” I have been re-thinking the unpleasant chores of life on planet earth and finding that as I face these hot spots and employ those Point #1 peptalks, I am finding some knots are becoming untangled in my soul.

So there you have it…my simple thought for today.

Be blessed today with growth and grace in whatever your deal is and I will see you back here tomorrow <3





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